Recent Conference Presentations

June 2019
Recycle Florida Today Conference
Recycling Revival: Public – Private Partnerships in the Sunshine


April 2018
Waste360’s Annual WasteExpo
10 Steps to Contracting Nirvana



January 2018
SWANA & RFT Joint Winter Summit
Making Public-Private Partnerships a Win-Win

Mitch Kessler has 32 years of solid waste experience and has managed or directed more than 300 projects for over 200 KCI clients.  His legal training is especially useful in understanding and interpreting local, state, and federal laws and regulations.  His broad background in solid waste management and business makes him a Project Director who is an industry leader with the history and experience to deliver results for our clients. 

Mitch is a nationally recognized expert in the procurement and operations of solid waste collection systems and materials recovery programs and facilities. He is especially knowledgeable in collection and market development issues as they relate to the economic viability of solid waste and recycling programs.

Mitch is the Immediate Past President of the Florida Sunshine Chapter of SWANA and current Florida Representative on the International Board.  He serves as an instructor for the Recycling, Collection, and Composting Certification Courses sponsored by SWANA National, is a member of the SWANA committee that developed the Manager of Composting Operations Certification Course, and assisted with developing the SWANA Zero Waste course.

Subject Matter Expertise: Strategic & Master Planning; Procurements & Negotiations; Ordinance & Regulations


University of New Hampshire, NH

JD, Environmental Law, 1984

Purdue University, IN

MA, American Studies, 1981

BS, Management, 1979

State University of New York, NY

AAS, Horticulture, 1976


SWANA Certified Recycling Manager

SWANA Certified Composting Systems Manager

SWANA Certified Instructor for Recycling, Collection & Composting


Professional Achievement Award – Private Sector, 2012, SWANA

Distinguished Service Award, 2008, SWANA

George Kirkpatrick Lifetime Commitment Award, 2006, RFT

Outstanding Contribution Award, 2002, SWANA FL

Exceptional Leadership Award, 1997, Florida Organics Recyclers Association


SWANA, Florida Sunshine Chapter, BOD (2005-current), President (2011-2015)

SWANA, International Board (2015-current)

Recycle Florida Today, Inc., Chair (2 years), BOD (8 years)

Florida Organics Recyclers Association, founding Chair

United States Composting Council

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