Collection and Processing Services Procurements

KCI initially worked with county staff to identify service options and subsequently developed a strategy that would best meet the county’s objectives. This included participating in public meetings to gather resident feedback about options such as once per week collection and single stream recycling.  KCI then assisted with two concurrent bid processes, one for residential and commercial collection services, and the other for recyclables processing.  This was a highly scrutinized process since the collection franchise had not been bid in more than 17 years.  KCI participated in all aspects of the procurement from initial briefings with county administration to document development to final negotiation and presentation to the Board for franchise award.  The collection bid included several residential service options; the Board decided to implement carted collection of both garbage and recyclables.  The bids resulted in a 34% reduction in residential collection service rates and an estimated $2.8 million per year increase in recyclables revenue at the then current values for recyclables. 


Transition Assistance

KCI managed the transition planning and implementation of the new franchise collectors, processing contractor, and cart distribution.  The transition encompassed switching from a two-hauler, three-zone collection system to a three-hauler, five-zone system, as well as converting from manual collection of garbage and dual stream recyclables to carted collection of garbage and single stream recyclables.  Project work included the following:

  • Cart Procurement and Distribution – KCI assisted with the purchase, assembly, and distribution of more than 530,000 solid waste and recycling carts to 260,000 households, including RFID tracking that assigned each cart to a specific residence. During distribution, all new and vacant houses were audited by KCI staff and changes were sent to the county tax roll.  KCI also managed, exchanged, and tracked all cart serial numbers for customers requesting a different cart size.  We believe this was the largest rollout in the nation with a single start date for automated service.
  • Residential Collection Transition – KCI oversaw development and implementation of the collection transition schedule, which included truck production and delivery (120 new CNG vehicles), driver training, route development (approximately 500 new collection routes), and the identification of routing obstacles such as low wires and overhanging trees.
  • Commercial Collection Transition – Commercial customers have the option to contract with any of the franchisees; therefore, franchisees were required to enter into new contracts with commercial customers at the beginning of the new franchise. This gave each business a opportunity to shop for the best price.  KCI oversaw the transition of accounts between franchisees and the inclusion of RFID tags on each dumpster.
  • Processing Transition – KCI oversaw development and implementation of the processing transition schedule, which included the contractor’s construction of a transfer station and retrofitting a single stream MRF.
  • Outreach and Education – KCI assisted in developing a program brand, logo, and $500,000, three-phase education and outreach plan that included advertisements for radio, TV, bus wraps, movie screens, and various printed materials.
  • Transfer Station Analysis – KCI conducted a pre- and post-construction operational assessment of the county’s transfer station operations network. Through both physical audits and a review of pertinent data such as weight tickets, employee timecards, and fleet equipment lists and associated costs, KCI assessed the transfer station system, including its long haul transfer truck operation, in order to identify improvement opportunities for the long-term financial viability of the operation.  As part of the assessment, we conducted a week-long evaluation of all inbound and outbound transfer station vehicle traffic for each station as well as an evaluation of the loading, transfer trip, and unloading process at the Resource Recovery Facility.  The assessment yielded recommendations to optimize hauling hours, enhance fleet support, improve scale house operations, and enhance management through technology.

Composting Pilot 

KCI planned, developed, and implemented a biosolids composting pilot for Hillsborough County.  Operating on a closed landfill cell, the 6-month pilot composted biosolids from the county’s wastewater treatment plants with ground yard waste.  KCI assisted in all steps of the pilot process from site and capacity design to staff training, compliance monitoring, and finding end-users.  During the pilot, over 2,600 tons of biosolids and 2,200 tons of yard waste were composted, which generated approximately 1,500 tons of finished compost.  KCI worked with the county to move into the next phase of a full-scale biosolids composting operations.

Waste Composition Study

KCI conducted a 5-day sampling and sorting event at the Resource Recovery Facility (RRF) to determine the composition of the waste stream disposed at the County’s various disposal facilities.    Results revealed that nearly 40 percent of residential and commercial waste currently disposed consisted of recyclable fiber and containers and other accepted recyclable materials. In addition, organic materials, which have the potential to be composted, make up an additional 30 percent of the countywide waste streams. 

Comprehensive Recyclables Composition Study

KCI conducted a 6-day recyclables composition study at the Progressive Waste Solution’s (PWS) transfer station to sample and sort incoming loads of residential recyclables.  KCI was responsible for developing the sampling schedule, coordinating with haulers, developing sorting and sampling protocols, worker training, sample selection and sorting, data analysis, and report preparation.  KCI then oversaw a backend, post-processing, mass-balance composition study conducted at the PWS MRF.  During this study KCI was responsible for overseeing the processing of all materials, sample selection and sorting, weighing of baled materials, overall material flow and the reconciliation of all data weights following the sort.


Solid Waste Technical Assistance

KCI is continuing to assist the county with additional project management and technical assistance, by providing ongoing system-wide program management as a result of the new 10-year collection and processing contracts.  We will be providing continued project oversight and assistance of the solid waste contractors, services, and program changes, assisting in the compilation of a system-wide, integrated data management system, conducting recycling and waste composition studies, assisting in the development and implementation of section strategy, and providing ongoing technical assistance. The County transitioned from three to five districts, and from manual to automated residential collection. Simultaneously, the franchise collectors procured 120 new collection vehicles, obtained service yards, established offices, mapped collection routes, trained staff, and developed collection, transition, and contingency plans.  The economic impact of this project on the U.S. economy in 2013 is estimated to be approximately $85 million.

KCI provided education and outreach expertise as part of Technical Assistance for the County to reduce contamination in their single stream material. KCI assisted the development of the slogan, graphics and precise material definitions. In addition, an ad-torial, press release and social media posts were drafted for use in County marketing.

KCI provides on-going analysis and review of the County’s service verification technology and data. Utilizing the longitude and latitude data provided by the franchise hauler’s service verifications KCI developed a Roll Cart Audit Process for the County to periodically audit the location of over 560,000 assets.

Transfer Station Operational Assessment

KCI assisted Hillsborough County with a pre and post construction operational analysis by conducting an operational assessment of its transfer station operations network.  Through both physical audits, and a review of pertinent data such as weight tickets, employee timecards, and fleet equipment lists and associated costs, KCI assessed the county’s transfer station system including its long haul transfer truck operation in order to identify improvement opportunities for the long-term financial viability of the operation.  As part of the assessment, we conducted a week-long evaluation of all inbound and outbound transfer station vehicle traffic for each station as well as an evaluation of the loading, transfer trip, and unloading process at the Resource Recovery Facility.  The assessment yielded recommendations to optimize hauling hours, enhance fleet support, improve scale house operations, and enhance management through technology.




+ National Waste & Recycling Association – Inaugural Sustainability Game Changer

+ Hillsborough County BOCC –  Commendation – Fill It, Tilt It, That’s How We Roll Program

+ American Public Works Association – Technical & Management Innovation – Technical



+American Public Works Association – Project of the Year


+ Recycle Florida Today – Outstanding County/City (Urban)


+ Recycle Florida Today – Outstanding Special Event Recycling Program


“Hillsborough County saw a remarkable 85% increase in collected recyclable materials and more than $2.5 million increase revenue to the County.”

Sandra Murman

County Commissioner , Hillsborough County, Florida

“My compliments to the consultants and staff for trying to basically look under every rock and take into consideration every possible issue they could.”
Victor Crist

County Commissioner , Hillsborough County, Florida

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