Solid Waste Rate Study Update, Recycling Guidance, and Horticulture Collection Procurement
KCI is providing the City of Naples technical assistance in updating the previous Solid Waste Rate Study performed by KCI to meet current market demands and to update for new Fund Balance minimum requirements. This project was done in conjunction with providing technical assistance on finding a solution for Recyclable commodity processing and to procure a new vendor for Horticulture collection. KCI provided new language and specifications for their residential yard waste collection program, assisted in negotiating a new recycling processing agreement to continue providing service, and a new rate model utilizing updated financial information, new contract pricing and new fund balance requirements from the City. KCI provided additional technical assistance by performing an analysis of the shared compactor system and rates. Through this project, the City of Naples was able to push out processing increases and save their budget considerable costs due to negotiations, planning, and coordination on their behalf.
Recyclables Composition Study
KCI was contracted by the City of Naples to conduct a comprehensive recyclables composition study on single stream recyclables that the city collects and transfer to the county-owned, privately-operated MRF. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the amount and types of contaminants in the recycling stream in order to negotiate the interlocal agreement between the city and county for processing its recyclables. To conduct this study, KCI worked with city staff to sample material from every collection route over the course of a week. KCI then conducted a 2-day sorting event sorting samples from each of these routes. The results of the RCS indicated the contamination level of the city’s recyclables were below the average contamination level reported from all sources that deliver material to the MRF.
Solid Waste Rate Study
KCI was contracted by the City of Naples to conduct a comprehensive cost of services analysis, make recommendations for the best methods to account and charge for solid waste services, and develop a rate structure that will meet the city’s fund balance policy. KCI developed a cost of services model that identified the true cost of services for each of the collection services provided by the city. Once the cost of services was completed, KCI worked collaboratively with city staff to develop various rate scenarios to meet the enterprise fund’s financial requirements. KCI presented the rates study findings, including three proposed rate scenarios, at a council workshop. KCI also reviewed the city’s current solid waste ordinances for industry best practices and made recommendations based on the city’s goals and objectives, while providing for the health, safety, and well-being of residents. The City Council voted unanimously to revise ordinances and adjust rates and ordinance revisions based on KCI’s recommended rate scenario, which secured the financial health of the enterprise fund.